
Cheryl eating willies wicked cheesecake. I took this photo not too long ago. It was the day jess had cooked us dinner.
Well today was a fun day. I woke up super early because I had to go to pmall with simon and cheryl. Before leaving for cheryls, Kings said he needed to get stuff there too so he drove me and cheryl to pmall. After meeting up with simon cheryl went and bought some random tag thingy for her cellhpone. It was damn expensive to me, but then again I spend so much on my camera. After getting her stuff, simon went and bought a power supply. We then got lunch at some pho place which didn't seem all too great. I couldn't afford to get lunch so I sat back and watched cheryl and simon eat. Kings had to leave early so he couldn't eat with us. After lunch we walked around pmall a bit looking a few laptop stores. Simon and kings mocked me saying I didn't know my way around pmall but I showed up simon. I knew exactly where I was going. After looking at two laptop stores cheryl bought yet another thing for her cellphone and then we headed home. Later on in the night Eddu and I headed to jimmays to watch some GTO. I still say this series is by far one of the funniest animes I have ever seen. The only thing that comes close to it is Golden boy, which is also very great. Even if you don't like anime you would still find those two series very amusing, I recommend them to anyone. After watching a bunch of eps we headed back home. Now I shed a tear because our school is only a day away.
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