
I took this photo of jess a few nights back. This was the night she had cooked us up our scrumptrulescent dinner.
Yesterday was quite a fun filled day. It started off with my cousins coming over for lunch. My cousin had converted my parents 9mm movie of their wedding into a dvd format so we watched that. It was crazy to see how different they looked. After watching the short 6 minute version of my parents movie we ate lunch and talked for quite some time.
After my cousins had left I waited at home for a bit till kings could come by and drive me to Ryan's house. We didn't do much at Ryan's till later in the day. We played some cards with poker chips which was very fun. When everyone got to Ryan's we decided to go out and get dinner at bostons pizza. Me willie and kings ate a tropical chicken pizza. It was quite tasty but damn expensive. So from this day fourth we never go to a white restaurant for someone's birthday. White restaurants are super expensive. If I had some steady flow of income, then I wouldn't mind. If I had a steady flow of income then white restaurants would probably be quite top tier. Kings was being a punk and kept trying to pay. So he ended up ordering everyone drinks which were super overpriced. Still we didn't let him pay. He somehow managed to throw in some change for tip .
When we got back to Ryan's a few of us started to watch ray. After about 5 minutes jo called willie. It turns out I had forgotten to call jo after dinner and she was uber pissed. She had every right to be though. So the next 30 minutes of the movie was a blur because it was me trying to get jo to forgive me. It didn't really work out too well though because mid way through the conversation I had gotten a little angry and started arguing with her. The conversation ended because her parents had told her to get off the phone. After I finished talking to jo I called up redford and apologized to him also for not calling him out when we got to ryans. Now redford is the type who doesn't explode. He has his random explosions and luckily it wasn't on me. He brushed it off as if it wasn't important but it was a big deal. So I am sorry jo and redford. I said I would call you guys and I forgot. I don't have any real excuses. If you are still angry you can punch me in the face.
After I finished talking to red I continued to watch ray and I must say it was an amazing movie. It was super long though. It was around 3 hours. What was even crazier was that the other guys were playing poker throughout the whole movie. After the movie I was surprised to find that derek had lost for quite some time. What was even more shocking was jon was in the lead. It was down to Jimmy jon and wilson. Jimmy was tired so he went all in and lost. Wilson was dying so simon had taken over and won back a lot of money. In the end it was wilson up 5$ and jon with everything else. However since simon took over he gave simon all the winnings so simon and wilson both broke even. After poker everyone had left except for me nelson eddu jimmay and jon. We all started watching million dollar baby, but since my hearing was still pretty low I had no idea what they were saying. Also the subtitles were for some different movie so I couldn't rely on those either. I ended up going to sleep first. After about an hour everyone had decided to go to sleep. The guys were talking for a bit but I wasn't really paying attention.
When I woke up everyone but jimmy had woken up. They were watching the last little bit of million dollar baby. The last bit of the movie was very touching. Its a shame I didn't see it from the beginning. After million dollar baby we sat around and played with ryans pool balls. Around 12ish we decided to get some food, but took about 3 hours to pick a restaurant. We ended up going to midland and finch, stood around there and didn't go anywhere. Then we went to get jerk chicken but someone said the line up was too big so we went to woodside. We just got some pho and then headed back to ryans house to pick up our stuff. We sat in ryans room and talked for a bit then came back to my house and watched some GTO! A great 2 days indeed. Hopefully tomorrow willie can bake a sexy strawberry cake!
On a side note, somewhere during the day my hearing seems to have magically returned. I'm not 100% sure though. I keep forgetting what normal hearing sounds like.
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