
This is probably the first photo of my mom I have posted. I rarely take photos of my parents for some reason. I took this photo a while ago when my cousins had come over for lunch.
Today was a very great day. It started off pretty dull. Data as always was quite a bore. I got my mark though. Currently I'm getting an 80, however that will change because we have one more quiz mark to add in there. My data mark is pretty much set, nothing can change it now. English was also somewhat cool because Chamot was talking about the incredibles and started pulling out all these cool things about the movie I never noticed. English is probably the best course this semester, but I still don't like it that much. Physics was out right boring. I lasted about 40 minutes today, then I was out for the count. After school Billy fung gave me and philip a ride home.
When I got home I finished another 1 minute 40 of the slideshow. The slideshow is slowly coming along, but I need a lot more photos. I also need people to tell me whats wrong with it. So far all people say is, "get more photos". I lack creativity when it comes to designing stuff. So each minute chunk so far is pretty repetitive. Hopefully I can come up with something crazy soon.
After a while the guys came over and we sat around and talked for quite some time. Eventually we went out for dinner to Lee's Wok. I think this was the first time I went there and DIDN'T get a stomach ache. So for that Lee Wok's gains an extra point. It is now above Wendy's.
After dinner we picked up cheryl and jo from pmall and went back to my house and talked long into the night. We had some very interesting conversations. Joanna was constantly asking crazy questions. Talking well into the night is the best, hopefully tomorrow will also have some promising conversations.
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