A trip to yorkdale

This was a macro of a nestea can. I think I finally understand how to do macro's nicely now. Only problem is it requires either a lot of light, or a really fast film. I must take more macro's though. Anyone know any good flowers?
Today was a pretty dull day. Nothing really happened until afterschool when we made our way to yorkdale. It was one long trip but it is nice change. I didn't end up buying anything. My mom had given me money to buy some stuff but I couldn't really find anything worth getting. Joanna bought some clothing so she was happy. Willie had to leave early so Jess headed back with her. We had met up with derek and Annie and we talked for a bit, then all headed home together. I took a lot of photos so that alone makes the day worthwhile. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to play some sports. The weather has been so nice recently. I love the sun. I have been waking up all happy recently. I thank you mr. sun!
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