Lets stack chips!

As promised here is a nice photo of ryan. Shoppers once again struggled at developing my negatives. In the actual picture there is a big line stretching across the middle of the photo. Regardless a good photo though. I like it because he looks like a kid stacking his chips. When the chips toppled over Ryan made by far the best surprised look I have ever seen. This was taken at ryans party during the march break.
Today was a sad day. It started off okay though. Cherie went to popeyes for lunch and brought people back biscuits. She gave me one which was wicked. Thanks cherie. After lunch I bombed my english test. I cracked under the pressure. Physics was pretty fun, the lab was really interesting.
After school adrian told me that he is going to famous players to apply for a job. He said he could drive me there if I wanted to go so I agreed. Courey Redford Kevin Adrian and I went to stc. Redford wandered around stc while the rest of us got in line to apply. The lineup was crazy long. After a while they started calling people up to start singing to get pushed to the front. Courey Adrian Kevin and I started singing milkshake then drop it like its hot. We got pushed to the front, and then afterwards we had to cheer louder then the current workers. Nobody knew the cheer we were doing so it was really muddled, but somehow me and courey passed the first cut. The next part was talking to the manager. They asked me two questions . First was "What is the significance of an ID tag" then after "Why do you want to work at famous players". After 2 really crappy answers he politely said "I'm sorry you didn't make the cut today". I waited downstairs to see how courey did and he was also cut. Still a fun day though.
Afterwards we walked around STC and I saw the greatest pink suit in the world. I asked my dad when I got home if I could get it and he instantly said no. He was like "Your not going to formal as a pimp." Maybe a white suit, but I think thats just as dangerous as a pink suit.
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