Who'd have thought she'd turn out to be a friggan hooker!?

This is a photo of daniel at my house. He was most likely here because he had to film some scenes for the movie. The title of the blog comes from one of the lines in the movie. In the blooper he starts to laugh and calls willie a friggan hooker. Quite funny indeed. The eddu bloopers still are top tier.
Its been quite some time since my last post, been busy these last few days. Friday wasn't anything too exciting. We went out and got some ingredients for saturdays small party. Then afterwards ryan and I went to eddu's house and sat around.
Saturday I had to get my meningitis C shot and my arm is still sore. The shot itself wasn't as painful as I would have imagined. After getting the shot my dad and I waited for my mom at STC, but while waiting we looked at a suit store. I am most likely going to get a black suit. I doubt my parents would waste money on a white one. Perhaps black and suit and pin stripes. I feel that a lot of people are going like that though. I must get a suit soon.
I had to go to my uncles party on saturday which was quite boring. We left my house around 4ish, got there around 5. I sat around for about 7 hours doing nothing. Then we left at around 1ish. When I got home I talked to ryan about all the crazy things that happened at jess's. You can read about it on her blog. I was very sad that I missed such a great party. Hopefully the next one we have can be just as good.
Sunday was a day filled with working on physics lab and formal slideshow. I have gotten about 6 minutes 30 seconds of the slideshow done. I can probably scrounge up another 2 minutes and then Gopinath has some stuff to add also. So we will have about 10 minutes worth of stuff. I need feedback on it though, I am still very unsure if it looks nice. Hopefully its very sad. I expect everyone in my table to break out into tears!
Today was a very sad day. My english mark is going to be super low. We got back 3 assignments and I got level 4, level 4/5, and 6/10. The levels are out of 6, so a level 4 is like a C- to a B and a Level 5 is about a B+ to A-. As it stands I am most likely getting low 70 I think. I should get someone to teach me english. The highlight of the day was when cheryl said she had something to give me. I was expecting photos for the slideshow but instead got some chocolate. And not just any chocolate, this was guylian chocolate, so its some good shit. That single act made my whole day much better! Thanks cheryl.
If anyone wants to help by telling me what to change with the slideshow message me on msn or leave a comment.
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