A nice nap

Shawn has just made a new blog. You can check it out here.
It seems more and more people are sleeping in my data class now. Kyle sleeps like everyday now. Its crazy. Physics is my nap period. Mainly because Ms. Henry doesn't care at all if you sleep, she just smiles and continues teaching.
Today was a very dull day. I got back my physics assignment and got 8/10 which is really really bad considering 99% of the class got 9's and 10's. I lost a mark because I can't seem to use a ruler properly (my lengths were like .4 off) and another mark because I forgot direction and units. I threw away such easy marks. Adrian had the car for lunch so we went to midland and finch pho place. I was disappointed they didn't have any wonton noodle soup, so I had to get some crazy expensive pork chop on rice dish. English was MEGA boring. I slept through most of the period.
When I got home I just watched a bit of anime. Finally finished the xenosaga anime and it a nice replica of the game. The animation wasn't too great, but still a decent anime.
If you are wondering why Simon M. ands Shawns blog has been taken off its my gift to Simon. He said he didn't want attention so I thought I should help him out by not having his link. If Shawn makes a post I will link to that post, but other then that you won't be seeing their blog link up for awhile.
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