
First and foremost Happy Birthday JIMMAYAYAYAYAYA. I took this photo of jimmy when we had left pacific mall one day. jimmy and ryan had both gotten this weird sweet which they thought was good, but it turned out to be a bait out and it was ultra dry. This is jimmy struggling to finish the one in his mouth.
I have been quite busy these last few days so expect a long post. We still start with friday. Friday started off with a normal day of class. After class I met up with Ian Amy and Jo and we played badminton for sometime before my bus back home. We played around for a fair bit. Nothing too crazy happened during badminton though.
After a long bus ride home I eventually made it home. Once I got home a group of us went to go see Pans Labyrinth. The movie was excellent. Some scenes were a tad graphic or eerie but overall a very good movie. After the movie people headed back to my house where we sat around and talked for quite some time.
The next day I woke up to justin calling me telling me to go downtown. We left for downtown at around 2. That trek downtown was the most walking I had done in a long time. We started off at Eaton centre and walked around the mall for a bit. After getting bored we walked down Queen St W towards Silver snail. At Silver Snail I bought an interesting Manga by Osamu Tezuka called The Ode to Kirihito. The book looks to be very twisted and cool. After silver snail we walked all the way back up to Eaton centre.
On the way there we stopped off at a Second Cup because justin wanted a drink. I have never actually ordered a drink from Second Cup (or any coffee place for that matter) but after seeing justin get a Chocolate milk I was tempted to get one. In my mind I thought to myself how good could a chocolate milk from second cup be? My Patti makes the greatest chocolate milk in the world. However after drinking that chocolate milk I was damn surprised. My Patti's chocolate milk will still be #1 in my heart of course, but Second cup comes a very close second. I can picture myself going to second cup quite frequently now.
Once we got to Eaton centre we wandered around the mall for a bit once again. After we got bored again we decided to head down to church st. We walked down yonge for a bit only to quickly realize we were walking parallel to Church. We took a quick detour and ended up on church. Nothing really was happening on this street. We walked from Church St up to bloor. At around this time we were getting a little hungry so we started looking for a place to eat. We walked down bloor towards yonge. Then back up yonge. Eventually we came across a Quiznos. I hadn't had quiznos in quite some time so we went there. As always the subs were damn good. After eating we headed back to justins place where he got the car.
We first went to go pick up edward. We were at eddu's for a bit because he needed to eat some food. We all talked about some random junk then I got my ass handed to me in ping pong.
After playing some ping pong we went and got bbt and then went off to pick up sean. After we got everyone we headed back to my house and sat around and talked for a bit. Ryan came by for a while and we played DS for a bit. Ryan destroyed all of us one by one in Bomberman. However I managed to throughly trash him in Tetris which is all that really matters.
Sunday I came back to waterloo and brought with me a bunch of junk and food. The most important thing I brought though was Justins Wii. Since he is playing so much WoW he hasn't had time to play his Wii. I watched some anime and tv shows till Andrew and Ian got back from home. Before they returned I went and got some chocolate milk with Amy. They ran out of whip cream for the hot chocolate which made me quite sad. Amy and I talked about random stuff like high school and stuff and eventually headed home. Amy was quite busy with various labs and tests. Once Andrew and Ian returned I went over to their place and played some Wii sports. We played lots of Tennis Golf and Baseball. Baseball is broken with those damn splitters! Its always funny seeing people play Wii sports. Amy was constantly trash talking Ian, it was hilarious.
Monday is a big blur. I don't think I did anything that important.
Yesterday was a very intense day. After a CS241 Lecture I started working on the CS241 assignment. I had to write an assembler that would convert MIPS processor instructions into binary. So for example if someone wrote a mips program that added two numbers, my assembler would take that file and produce the corresponding 0's and 1's to tell the processor what to do. It sounds hard but the assignment comes with a starter file which saves you a lot of time. However even with that file I was struggling. After a good 6 or so hours of solid coding and repeated failures I lost my spirit. After wasting time online and watching a bit of crap I got myself back in gear and plowed through the assignment with another 3 or so hours of programming. CS is wicked. Its always a nice feeling when you give up hope but out of no where you have an epiphany and everything becomes clear and you manage to fix your program. Now that I have finished CS I am done for the week!
Today was a grand day indeed. It started off with various lectures. In calculus I learned about a calc test I had forgot to study for. Luckily for me Calc 3 is still super easy so it wasn't a big deal. The only course I am really worried about is CS245, logic of computation. That course makes NO sense. I will get into that course another day though.
After all my lectures I headed home and did a bit of calc. After doing a few problems I realized this test can't possibly be that difficult and diverted my attention towards watching some Shuffle! I eventually went and wrote the test and came back in one piece. Once I got back I quickly wrote my online stat quiz then went back to watching anime. At around 8 I decided to go check out the badminton club. I was throughly confused about how everything worked. They didn't really tell me when I was playing or how any of this stuff worked. I am still quite angry about the stupid club so lets just say I was there for a good hour and didn't play a single round. I left quite angry and then decided to just come home and finish the day with some chocolate milk and more anime.
Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting.
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