Yvonne eating Ice cream

I took this photo when we had gone for a big dinner at Buffet King. Not quite sure why I like this photo but its nice.
Today was a horrendously cold day. The air was like ice. To make things worse I didn't have my scarf so my face was like frozen. Made me wish I had that ninja mask redford owns.
Anyways after walking to school I had to hand in a CS245 assignment. The assignment required a cover page which I couldn't print because I don't have a printer. So for a little while I was in MC trying to figure out how to print crap from the school computers. In the end I was a giant scrub and simply gave up. I made my own cover page and now I pray they mark it.
Today my only class was CS241 which is still really interesting but also very confusing. The course doesn't really involve much note taking. It is more like "Here is how this function works....use it". It may sound like a crap ass class but the prof is quite cool so its still great.
Once I finished CS I headed to pho and got some lunch. Once I finished lunch I signed up for my interview time to be a frosh leader. Hopefully I can be a frosh leader. It seems like a lot of fun. Even though I didn't go to my frosh I still hope I can get in.
On my way to DC, a library to meet someone to study, I bumped into Simon Al and Kyle. I talked to the 3 of them for about 20 minutes then headed on my way. I eventually met my buddy from Japanese 101r and we worked away at the C&O assignment. This assignment was intense. We were working around for a good 2 hours and managed to finish most of question 1. I didn't think it would take so long. Towards the end of the work session I bumped into Amy Ian and Joanna. I helped them print some crap from DC, which made me wonder why I didn't print my damn cover page here. After printing some crap Ian drove me home and I worked on Stat here.
After about 2 hours of stats/anime I headed to the gym with simon. Today was a good day at the gym. I pushed my pace up a bit so it felt like more of a workout. Also with my DS on hand I could do sudoku squares while on the elliptical. Time passed by so much faster when doing sudoku squares. I only really managed to finish 1 and then I was getting a little tired so I simply focussed on exercising. Eventually elaine came by and stole my DS and played big brain.
Once we finished exercising simon headed home while elaine and I went to Lunchbox to grab some dinner. We talked about all sorts of random junk, from highschool to funny stories about our families. Once we finished eating Elaine headed to DC to study and I returned home to continue studying Stat. I work quite slow at home, but I like listening to music and being near my computer. Hopefully I will be ready for tomorrows stat quiz.
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