A boring class

I took this picture of andrew while in physics. Physics was my best class last semester. I could skip whenever I want and sleep in class if I decided to show up. Even better was the fact that Ms. Henry threw marks at us left right and centre. I hope uni will be like that.
Once again I haven't blogged for a while. Nothing exciting has really happened these last few days. Yesterday I went to the anime convention. It was quite bad this year. However after reading my brothers blog I learned about this cool artist called Andy Lee who drew these amazing pictures of comic book characters.
Simon Kevin and I were basically watching him paint for a good long while. Adrian was also watching but he was also wandering around buying crap. Anyways this artist paintings are amazing. It is cool to see him paint. He basically throws this weird colored water on the paper, smears it around and starts doing all sorts of crazy stuff. If you look at this picture you can see how crazy of an artist he is. It is a very interesting thing to see. After watching him for a while I got him to draw me a Carnage. Kevin got a Dr. Doom. The paintings look wicked. I framed mine today but now I must figure out how to put it on a wall.
Today was a pretty fun day. A bunch of people came over towards the night and we watched a wicked movie called Old boy. Old boy is a crazy twisted korean movie. I can't really say much about the movie except that it was wicked. I highly recommend it.