Thursday, July 28, 2005

A birthday to end all birthdays

I decided to post this photo because today was philips birthday. This photo was from a day we played poker at Ryans. I believe it was for ryans birthday.

Today was a pretty interesting day. It started off with my going to jessica's to fix her computer. Before getting to her house though I passed by a newly built park. It was very small but it had sand instead of the usual stuff at parks (I'm not sure what the usually stuff is called, maybe gravel?). It was like a beach. I was sitting there waiting for jess because I couldn't find her house.

Anyways I got to her house and I formatted her computer and helped setup her new router. Hopefully her computer is working okay now, I think one computer shouldn't be able to go online, but I can fix that soon.

It was fun sitting around and talking with jess, she has all sorts of funny anecdotes.

After fixing her computer I ran to jimmy's house and Kevin picked us up and we headed to sushi on 7. It turns out jimmy sucks at giving directions so everyone ended up going someplace else. One person went to Nagoya, and another group went to some other sushi place down the road.

After wasting about a half hour everyone finally found the place. Nothing special happened until towards the end where we ended up ordering too much. We all were a little scared because most of the food was REALLY bad. The sushi was terrible. The salmon handrolls looked like someone puked out salmon. And the dragon rolls were big and dirty.

After a long struggle we managed to get away and finished everything. And by we I mean everyone else. I don't really like sushi, so most of the stuff was handled by other people. Simon ate like 5 crappy handrolls, a few people had some of the dragonroll, nelson ate all the really bad tasting meat, and Adrian ate some stuff that was in a boat.


On a different note, we must go to the beach on Monday. Which beach I do not know. However I know it will be clean. So everyone must go. We only have a month left, must make the most of it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My cousin

I took this photo of my cousin Abi not too long ago. My brothers, Abi and I were just sitting in my room talking about random things when he decided to clean my camera lens. I took this photo after he had cleaned my SLR and my digital camera.

It has been quite some time since my last post. I haven't been home that much these last few days so I haven't really had time to make a post about much. Hopefully today things can start to return to normal. A few of my cousins are still here today so I will most likely do something with them for a bit then at night it shall be KBBQ. I have been ridiculously hungry for the longest time now. I have been waiting for KBBQ for the longest time. I hope I will be able to go today.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Summer time

Not much has really happened since Krishna's last post but there has been a few things to point out. For the past little while I've been biking a lot in hopes that it counts as exercise. I usually bike for 45 minutes to an hour going anywhere that I can. I've rode to Jimmy's then passed Edward's and almost went to Krishna's but i remebered the hill you have to go up so i stopped. So if anyone wants to join me in Xtreme biking, is more than welcome :). Man, im so dumb

Saturday was Student 101 in Waterloo. Woke up early and headed to Waterloo, it wasn't very eventful but i saw a lot of people from Campbell tho. I did get a few books i needed and also got my WATCard. Other than that, it was kinda boring.
Sunday, after getting a call from Wilson to wake up, he drove me, krishna and jimmy to his family's restaurant to do some commercial thing. So we got some free food and two hours later, we were out and i went home to sleep till 5.

Thats all for now. Peace

Saturday, July 16, 2005

A happy birthday girl

I took this photo a long time ago. I remember we were in the cafeteria playing some weird blowing game. That was a wicked day. I got 3 great photos, two of edward and this one of vanessa. Anyways Happy birthday Vanessa! Even though you probably won't see this post while in cornell.

These last few days have been quite fun. Too much to blog about though. We have been playing lots of risk recently and its pretty fun. Only problem is risk is a large amount of luck becuse its all rolling.

Yesterday we went to some asian night fever. It was pretty boring. We watched people play basketball, and got some food. Nothing special. I did however win 2 plush toys in some marble tossing game. That was fun, other then that it was quite dull.

Today nothing much has happened. I am played risk with nelson jon and kings. Hopefully I will go kbbq tonight with jon adrian and chris. Only time will tell.

Monday, July 11, 2005

A Man in a Mask

I took this photo of kenneth when he went to kevins to play some poker. That mask is kenneths poker face. I can't rememeber how he did that game, but I'm almost certain the mask wasn't of any help.

Saturday was a very interesting day. Kevin dano, ryan jimmy and I played another game of risk. Only this time daniel and kevin wouldn't stop fighting. They were arguing so loud, I would be able to hear them from outside. They both made such a big deal out of nothing.

After risk we went to kings and helped him move some stuff around. When we finished, jimmy owned me in chess. After that I played some megaman, and we eventually decided to go fly a kite.

It was getting pretty dark but we went out anyways. It took about 10 minutes to assemble the kite. Maybe longer I'm not quite sure, but it was a big kite. We aren't even sure if its built properly right now. Anyways after putting it together we tried getting it into the hair for the longest time. There wasn't enough wind is my guess. The kite hovered for a bit but wouldn't stay afloat.

When we gave up trying to fly a kite I went home and talked to my cousin who was going to be staying with us till tuesday.

Yesterday my brother, 2 of my cousins and I went downtown to go see some people and maybe get dinner. We first stopped off at my brothers apartment. His apartment was quite nice, a little messy though, but not nearly as messy as my room. Anyways at my brothers place we sat around, talked, and looked through his photo albums. After seeing his place we headed out and visited another cousin. Then we ended the day with a good dinner at young thailand.

Friday, July 8, 2005


I took this photo a long time ago. I can't remember where were bussing, but I remember it was me cheryl willie and jimmy at a bus stop. I think we were going STC to watch a movie most likely. I thought this would be a good photo to post because Willie is trapped at home.

Wednesday was a very fun day. Kings philip and I went to jimmys and we played on his GT4 wheel. Playing GT on a wheel is wicked. Its really hard, but very fun. jimmys brother was owning us up though. He could at least do the turns to some degree. The rest of us were struggling. We would run into a wall, or make the turn really slow.

Today was a fun day also. Shawn came over and we sat around a bit, and he leeched some music off of me. After he finished we went to STC in the hopes of getting a cheap risk board. I saw one for $10 but it had sold out. After getting some lunch, and looking at the camera I one day hope to buy, we went to my cousins house. My cousin had risk so I borrowed his board and went home. When everyone got here we started playing risk.

Since we had so many people, we had two games going. One was me andrew ryan nelson. The other was philip shawn simon kevin and daniel. My game was fun. I enjoyed it. I think we weren't following the right rules though, it had been a long time since we played the game so we didn't know the rules, also the manual was complicated to understand at times.

At first, andrew was raping the game, he had North america and South America at one point and was getting 10+ units a turn. After this me and nelson joined forces and slowly fought him back. Ryan joined the alliance also and after this we destroyed andrew. The game was basically over at this point, but I wanted to play one more turn so I could backstab everyone. However nelson practically killed me before I could do that. Risk is wicked. I can't wait to play again

Tomorrow iwll hopefully be a fun day. We can finally watch some of the japanese/chinese movies I have been downloading. Tomorrow maybe Azumi and Azumi 2!

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Ryan has SARS

I took this photo a long time back. Everyone went to kevins to play some poker. I took this photo when Ryan either had lost, or folded and joined us in watching tv. He had to wear the sars mask because he was allgeric to Kevins cat.

Monday was a very nrmal day. Jess and kingsley came by and we watched some lost. We couldn't seem to get in contact with willie so we decided to walk to her house in the rain.

The rain was beautiful. It was pouring, not as hard as the last time, but still quite hard. After getting fully soaked, we reached willies house and she wasn't at home. After sitting in the rain for a bit kings got his car and we went to STC.

We walked around aimlessly looking for something to buy so we could use the $50 gift certificate and get the change. I bought some film and paid kings back. After we got the film we sat on a bench and ate some ice cream. I'm not the big fan of ice cream so it was only jess and kings eating. We had some pretty funny conversations but eventually headed home.

Back at my house Jess continued her lost frenzy. Ryan Jimmy Edward philip showed up later that day too.

They started to watch Mr. and Ms. Smith but since the audio was too crappy I left. However they eventually switched to Finding neverland and I joined them. Everyone else found it too slow in the beginning but I really liked it. I enjoyed the whole movie, it was great. I suggest everyone to watch it. After the movie we talked for a bit then everyone headed home.

Today was similar to yesterday. Today Kings, Jimmy, nelly, kevin and I went around job hunting. I wasn't really interested in finding work, but I decided to tag along. They went to Kennedy commons first, kings needed to check some stuff at Henrys.

At Henrys I started to toy around with the Canon EOS Rebel XT. The camera was beautiful. Hopefully after Co-op I will have enough money to buy it. It will be a big step up from my previous digital camera.

We got back to my house around 4. This was quite late considering I was suppose to be home to meet Willie. Sadly Willie had called me after egtting out of summer school, and since no one was at my house, she went home. I'm Sorry willie!

Back at my house, Jess continued to watch Lost. The guys started to watch Mr. and Ms. Smith again. Since no one was at home the house was nice and quiet. I saw a good portion of the movie, and I must say it sucks. It wasn't that impressive. The action was okay. But I still found it pretty stupid. Brad pitt did a few funny things in the movie.

After Mr and Ms smith we sat around talked, watched lost, talked some more, then everyone left. Talking into the night is always fun. Hopefully tomorrow will be even more interesting then today.

Saturday, July 2, 2005


I took this photo sometime in March. Adrian I think is studying data, or some weird course. I decided to post this photo beause Adrian hosted a great bbq today.

Yesterday was pretty much a day full of lost. After eddu caught up at my house, we went to his house and watched about 4 episodes and went to bed around 5:30 in the morning. It was pretty weird sleeping that late because I could see the sun coming up.

After we woke up around noon, we watched another two eps then everyone went home to get ready to go to adrians bbq.

When I got to adrians street I forgot the house number, so I had to call home and get his cell phone number, then call him back. It took quite some time. I expected some people to park on his driveway or something.

The bbq was very fun. We played a bunch of video games, talked, joked around, and ate. What sucked though was poker. I had the worst luck. I died out first. Got the worst hands in the world.

Overall a very good day. What sucks the most though is I have to cancel my summerlicious reservations. Everyone doesn't seem to want to spend so much on dinner.

Tomorrow I must finish lost and figure out some stuff to do over the summer. Perhaps start another series. 24 looks tempting.

Friday, July 1, 2005


I can't remember when I took this photo but I love the expression on Edwards face. Its as if he did something he shouldn't have.

Lost is amazing. Simon Ryan and I watched 12 episodes in a row. Around episode 8 Wilson Kings Willie and Jess also came and they were sucked in. Our next feat will be to watch the last 13 episodes in one sitting. I don't really want to say much about the series but its very different and very interesting. All the characters have an interesting past. I can't wait to see the rest of this season. I recommend everyone to watch it.