I seem to have a lot of photos of cheryl sleeping. I think whenever she came over to my place she would always sleep. Not sure why though. I think the guys would always pour water and stuff on her when she was sleeping though. So it was funny for us.
Finally at waterloo. This place isn't anything special. The people seem really nice so far. A few people I have seen are a tad bizarre but gernerally very good.
Yesterday I moved in and it went by pretty smoothly. It was funny seeing 3 different moms all in the kitchen arranging and placing all the food and utensils in proper places. My parents didn't stay very long which I found quite surprising. After they left we waited for simon to get back from getting his cellphone. Once simon got back me shawn simon and chris, who had come quite early, went out and walked around.
We wakled around for a bit then headed to Student life centre. Shawn and I had to pick up our watcard. After getting our watcard we headed over to see chris's room. Sadly his place is tiny. He is in Village 1 which is more dorm styled so he has to share a bathroom with a floor which sucks. After making fun of chris about his place we picked up michelle and walked around for a bit longer. We got back to our res, sat around then chris and michelle left to go to their res meeting.
The res meeting wasn't anything great. We played poker and watched family guy with a few people. It was a cool way to meet some people.
After everything finished simon and I walked around the plaza for a bit looking at the stores that were infront of us. We didn't really come across anything special sadly.
When we got back to our res we sat in the lounge and watched some tv. A few people were coming in and out and we met some more interesting people. After a while we were talking to these 2 or 3 guys, I can't realy remember, for an hour at least.
Today was quite fun as well. Everyone else I know basically moved in today so we saw them. We checked out nelson and felix's place first and it was okay. Still a tad small but not that bad. After sitting around for a bit we headed to Student life to get felix his watcard and I put some money on my card.
After the short time we spent at SLC we headed back to felix's place and sat around some more. I went upstairs to go talk to jo amy and shawn after a while and also to pick up a cable for my imac. After talking to jo and amy for a bit shawn and I went back to felix's room and we all went and got harveys.
After harveys we did our orientation opening ceremony. It wasn't that bad. The people presenting were actually all very funny. Midway I left because Joanna was getting bored so we headed back to her place and made some food. Eventually shawn and amy stopped by and we all ate together. It was very nice.
After dinner simon felix nelson stopped by and we left to go meet with chris who was on his way to our place. Nothing actually ended up happening so I came back home, felix nelson and simon went to felix's to watch family guy.
All in all I think waterloo will be very fun. If anyone is interested my phone number here is 519-747-6406.