I took this photo at the pride parade. I forgot what these group of people called themselves. The pride parade was excellent. I will probably post a few more photos as the days go on.
Friday was a pretty laid back day. People came over and played some poker and ds lite. Poker was quite intense. Jimmy was struggling but came back and won it all. It was quite funny to see him play.
As always playing DS was wicked because everyone is so focussed. Me and kevin had a big brain academy battle going. I demolished him twice in a row. I even took him out in his greatest game, sound bites.
Saturday I saw superman returns, and that movie was wicked. A lot of people didn't seem to like it, but I felt it was excellent. I can't describe how much I liked it with words.
After superman it was off to Adrians house for a bbq. The bbq was quite nice. Joanna fully demolished me and the twins in Naruto 3. It was quite sad. I was shocked and appalled at how well this women played Naruto. Eventually more people came and we moved to playing DS lite a bit. I felt a little better playing the lite because I actually did well in the games.
But once again we got weary of this and then me jo amy moved on and watched Saw in adrians room. I was certain jo being a scaredy cat would stop watching midway but she powered through and finished the movie. The movie isn't scary but still surprising to see Jo finish it. She didn't get past 5 minutes the last time she tried to watch it.
After Saw jo went home and I went back downstairs and played some good old DS lite again. We continued to play well into the night and then headed home around 3.
Sunday was a very relaxed day. I played a bit of soccer with philip and kings. We just kicked the ball around in the park. Even though it wasn't anything fancy it was still wicked.
After soccer I went and grabbed some dinner with Ryan justin and jimmy. We went to McDano's and saw Nelson working hard. After dinner ryan dropped us off at my house then headed home. We waited at my house for a bit then at around 11 headed to Destiny for some bubble tea. A lot of people went to Destiny which was quite fun. It was a shame they had to split us into two tables. I was sitting with Sean Justin Simon Elaine Ryan Jessica. We all sat around, talked a bit, drank our bubble teas, and played some simple games. Elaine taught me this weird camp game and I totally destroyed her in it. It was very funny seeing her go into deep thought before certain moves.
After destiny we went back to my house for a little bit and then everyone went home.
Monday was a very quiet day. I was suppose to get breakfest with elaine but I was too tired and just slept till lunchtime. After lunch though Elaine and I went to woodside because she had to get some bus tickets and drop off a letter at the post office. Once we finished this we walked to Mcdano's to see if nelson was working. Luckily he was, so we watched him work for a bit and hoped that the line would be small so that we could go up and ask for a smile. He was very busy though so after a little bit we just got up and left and went back to my place.
When we got home elaine played Big brain academy. She was doing fairly well in most of the games. She beat some of my records which I found quite impressive. Also in one of the math games she would start shouting out the answers and I would be like "WTF are you talking about" and punch in my answer, only to see its wrong.
After she finished a few tests it was time for me to go so I said bye to elaine and headed back up to waterloo. Now I must finish my algeo assignment which is due tomorrow. God I hate algeo