Kevin struggling

I took this photo while Ryan was holding down kevin for some reason. Kevin always seems to get in fights at my house. It is very funny seeing him fight people.
Another great weekend at home. Friday we went to Boston Pizza for dinner and had a very over priced dinner. We got some pizza with beef on it, I assumed the beef would be chunks so I didn't bother objecting. When we got it, the beef was tiny! It was quite a struggle to get it all off.After dinner a bunch of people came over and we sat around and talked, and played some video games. A few people were wrestling in my basement. The wrestling was quite funny to watch. Jimmy destroyed Justin. After everyone left Joanna and I stayed up and watched lost. It was funny seeing her get scared at the smallest things. We stopped watching at around 4:00 a.m.
The next day I had to attend Conroy's funeral. Kings came over at around 8:00. It was pretty funny because I wake up to someone ringing the doorbell and say to myself "Damn it!". After quickly putting on some clothes Kings and I headed out. The funeral service was quite interesting. I expected it to be just a quiet viewing. However people in conroy's family went up and said some things about him. We all sang a few hymns. Even Ms. Crabtree, a teacher at Albert Campbell, said a few things about conroy. It was nice to hear these little stories and tid bits about conroy. It was also interesting to see how many students actually came to the viewing. I saw at least 50+ students. I was pretty shocked and angry at what some of the were wearing. Some people were wearing everyday clothing. One kid was wearing a white suit.
After the funeral service andrew drove me and edward to get some wendy's then drove us home. When we got back Jo had already left and dano was sitting and watching my house. Most of the day is a big blur, but the night was quite fun. We got dinner with Kevin, courey, kings, Justin and redford. It was a very funny dinner.After dinner we went back to my place and played some video games and talked.
Sunday was mainly just helping ryan put stuff together at his condo. His condo is very nice. His TV is also very very nice.
Today I had my comp sci midterm. It wasn't too bad. I am a little scared though, some of the simplest questions were worth ridiculous amounts of marks, so who knows.