
I took this photo after Elaine's party. This was after vanessa was totally out of it and just fell asleep. My brother was very funny about it.
My first post back at waterloo. Its nice being back here, a tad boring since no one I know has gotten in yet, but still fun being away from home. Its also nice knowing I don't have to do crap work for 4 months. I have missed math very much. The last few days have been quite exciting.
It all started friday. It was my last day of work and it was quite relaxed. I got my work term evaluation and did okay. I got a Very Good which is about 5/7 which is decent I think. Usually 7/7 is quite rare. After getting my evaluation and was getting ready to head home my coworker gave me a $50 gift card to best buy which was very nice. She said they usually give something nice to all their coop students so I was very happy. When I left and headed home I played some kingdom hearts before getting ready to head to Elaine's for a crazy party.
We all went out for dinner before going to Elaine's. We went to Tim Hortons/Wendy's and got some food. While there we met up with Felix and Redford. After talking for a bit they too decided to come to Elaine's party and we all headed out. Once we got there a few of us started playing poker, others played fight night, while some sat around and played with Elaine's hamster. After a few more people got to Elaines they started to drink. There weren't too many people drinking. Elaine, Vanessa, Willie, Redford, William, Nelson Philip and Felix were the only people that drank. It got pretty ridiculous after awhile. When I walked back to the room they were taking shots it was pretty crazy. They had spelt out Elaine's name in shot glasses, so there were quite a lot of shots. Also they would just be drinking like crazy. It was funny because they were playing some weird game, somewhat like war. So whoever lost had to take a shot. Since everyone thought Elaine was sober she had to take two shots.
Towards the end of the night all the girls were totally gone. I can't even begin to describe how crazy these people were. Vanessa and Elaine couldn't even walk, redford would not stop yelling, philip was just really red, and nelson was also somewhat red.
Slowly things winded down and we all had to quickly vacate Elaines and head back to my place.
At my house we all talked for a while. Vanessa was outside trying to sober up. After an hour or so she was quickly rushed into my house for various reasons. Nelson being hero sat by her and made sure she was okay. As the night dragged on slowly more people left and the few remaining just talked casually. Eventually my brother came home and recounted a few of his funny drinking stories. We all laughed and eventually after Vanessa threw up once she passed out and slept on my brother. It was quite funny because he was saying to himself "This is a very expensive sweater...." At around 4:30 Vanessa reluctantly decided to sleep over and everyone headed home. My brother being a light sleeper slept in her room to make sure she was okay. I sleep like a rock so I couldn't really do that.
The next day was pretty relaxed. I wasn't awake when vanessa left sadly. Saturday I had my driving lesson and an optometry appointment. After both of those a few of us went to the park to play some baseball. I was shocked at how much fun it was. I was complete crap though, but hitting the ball is so fun. I can't wait to play again.
After some baseball people headed over and we all talked. We all told elaine everything that happened at her party. She couldn't remember anything. She can't even remember how much she drank which was pretty funny.
As the night progressed more people came and it was a great night. Lots of games, talking, relaxing, great way to spend my last day in toronto. We rewatched FF7 AC. Joanna and philip almost fell asleep which was shocking! AC was intense! Watching it again made me want to play FF7.
Now that I am back in waterloo its time to do some work. I need to quickly fix up my work report and send it out.