After everyone got here we played some MJ, looked at some old family photo's then eventually that led into playing charades. I don't know how we got around to playing sherades but I must say it was wicked. Looking at photo's was also really fun. I saw some very humorous photos of my brothers and I. If I ever get a scanner I will scan them in. Now onto to charades, we had some truly funny topics and ideas for people to act out. Cheryl had to act out quite a few hard ones, same with Nelson. Nelson was crazy though, you could never stump him. Jimmy was also given some very bizarre topics. The topics we had were, black man, cold, afro, venus fly trap, volcano,lunch bag Edward Deng, Kirby, Dr. Zoidberg, Rams photo (something you would get if you were here), Suthakar, Mulan, Japan, Mario, Kasper, Colonel Sanders, constipation, Bender, Parrot, Belly dance, hentai, 50 cent, Elmo, scooby doo, nurse, cell division, period,india, tetris, g-spots, ninja turtles, dano, light, princess fiona, Ned flanders, a boulder, and fertilization. Truly a very funny day. After sherades we decided to watch Supersize me. In my opinion it was very long and less then impressive. Even though it was quite late, and I almost dozed off a few times, I would still probably think the movie wasn't that great. Cheryl and jimmy were sleeping through a good chunk of it. While jimmy was sleeping we were pouring water over him. It was so funny, Ryan, kings, nelson and philip poured water over his crotch, ass, and breasts. Pouring water on jimmy was the best part of the movie.
I recently lost my wallet. I think I left it at someone's house, so everyone look out for it. This was the greatest wallet I have ever owned. It wasn't very convenient for money, or cards, but it still was beautiful. If you ever find it you know who to pass it to. Now on to my rant about my day. Overall it was very good. My computer science presentation went off without a problem. Edward thinks he messed up but I think he did fine. Afterschool we went to best buy to get my Tom and Jerry DVD. It was pretty funny, we were walking towards best buy and Ryan thought we were walking the wrong way and bets me $20 that best buy wasn't in front of us. After shaking his hand he see's the sign and was like "Oh crap!". Another funny thing that happened was I had cheryl's cellphone to call her when we decided to pick her up. So I called her and she wasn't home for some strange reason. So 10 seconds later her cellphone rings. I obviously knew it was her dad and was very hesitant to answer it. I didn't know how her dad may react to her lending someone her phone. So I wasn't planning on answering but nelson thought it may be cheryl so he quickly took the phone and answered it. After saying hello, it actually was her dad so Nelson throws the phone back to me. After talking to her dad he didn't seem to mind too much. Now we are playing some megaman, waiting for others to get here.